Wednesday 13 July 2011

SATSA announces Craig Drysdale as President

SATSA (Southern Africa Tourism Services Association) has announced the resignation of their President, Heather Gutierrez.  As a result of Heather's decision, the SATSA ExCo has accepted her resignation, and put the matter of her replacement to a vote within the ExCo. We are pleased to advise that SATSA has announced the election of Craig Drysdale [CEO of the Coach Charter Division of Springbok Atlas] to President. He will lead SATSA through to the SATSA AGM to be held before Indaba in May 2012 in Durban.  Francois Neethling [of Discover SA Group (PTY) Ltd] will be the Vice President.

Craig Drysdale joined Springbok Atlas in 1996 as operations manager and later was appointed branch manager of Kwa-Zulu Natal in 2000. In 2006 was promoted to national general manager – Coach Charter Division. Craig has just been promoted to CEO of Springbok Atlas Coach Charter Division in March 2011.

Summary of Craig’s involvement in SATSA:
2009 - Co-opted onto the SATSA board and looked after the Transport portfolio
2010 - Elected to the board and elected as the Vice President, looking after the Transport portfolio as well as Corporate Governance.

Congratulations Craig – we are very proud of you!

Source: Newsletter by Michael Tatalias, CEO – SATSA

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