Tuesday 24 May 2011

Iceland's ash cloud heads towards mainland Europe

An ash cloud from Iceland’s largest volcano continues to move towards the UK and mainland Europe, and is expected to reach the eastern coast of Ireland and northern Russia. Flights in Scotland have been cancelled by regional airline Loganair on Tuesday as the Civil Aviation Authority warns that disruption cannot be ruled out.
Airspace over Iceland remained closed throughout Monday, and transatlantic flights re-routed around the country.
Andrew Haines, chief executive of the CAA, said: “Our number one priority is to ensure the safety of people both onboard aircraft and on the ground. I think we are far better prepared and we’ll have far better information and intelligence.”
“We can’t rule out disruption, but the new arrangements that have been put in place since last year’s ash cloud mean the aviation sector is better prepared and will help to reduce any disruption in the event that volcanic ash affects UK airspace.
Grimsvoetn began erupting late on Saturday, sending a plume of smoke and ash 12 miles high. By Sunday, it had spread to the capital Reykjavik, nearly 250m to the west, and all of Iceland’s airspace was closed.

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