Tuesday 24 May 2011

Tourism Marketing SA announces travel trends for 2011

We would like to thank  Tourism Marketing SA  www.tourismmarketing.co.za  for the following information on travel trends for 2011.

Top Travel Trends in 2011

1.  Business travelers are looking for value: Companies are still limiting corporate travel and today’s “road warriors” are looking for a deal.  Free WiFi, complimentary parking, free breakfast and multiple stay discounts are important to them in 2011.

2. Escapism: People want to escape the stress of their everyday lives.  Although people have always wanted to “escape”, from day to day pressures today, escape means “unplugged” to many.  Don’t be surprised if guests arrive armed with smart phones, laptops or iPads, but then check technology at the door.  Many travelers want to adopt a slower pace.  They will use modern technology to find you, but many will power down and switch off and simply unwind. Health spas and off the beaten track destinations should do well in 2011.

3. Not Just Seeing and Relaxing but Experiencing and Learning – The popularity of adventure and educational travel will continue to thrive in 2011. Travelers are interested in learning and doing, not just seeing. If you can present yourself as a great resource for your guests to learn and experience new things while staying with you and in your location, chances they will book with you are higher.

4.  Family Re-unions and Celebration Vacations: When the budget is tight, people need a reason for travel. Weddings, anniversaries, graduations and birthdays are a great excuse for people to take a few extra days away.  Many will choose to add a few days to their trip to explore once they have “celebrated” with family. By offering family deals, and special packages, you can convince your ideal guests to stay with you.

5. The Luxury of Your Own Space: Relying on room-service from the 25th floor of a luxury hotel no longer satisfies todayís ambitious luxury traveler. Instead, travelers are looking to villa rentals to ensure that their time abroad is truly unique. Even in the budget segment, self catering holiday rentals are a very popular option to the traditional bed & breakfast options with limited space and privacy.

Please go to www.tourismmarketing.co.za/top_ten_resolutions.php to read more about their top 10 marketing resolutions for 2011.

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